الأربعاء، 6 يونيو 2018

out of the circle

sometimes you do stupid things just because you want to do , you have
 no reason  just you are enjoying ,even you
 know clearly its will destroy you deeply but you
keep doing.

Strange life
Strange human raise
wanna to be with ..but you are not on the circle
your are just  spot of dust will be clean soon
 A spot will be clear faster than you even imagine
so,  smile till that sadness come
till no feeling 
till tears fill down smoothly
till your eyes see the environment all Dark
till your soul become a blind 
and you walk without knowing where you are putting your steps
Its a mistake to care ,love.live,admire 
Don't do it baby
Its just a pain  in the end 
live like you will did tomorrow better than live for long as dead person

Image result for end of life

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