الاثنين، 15 مايو 2017


At night they both dreaming of how to move in this life and
encourage themselves
 to be strong and cross all situations together.
  if the still together  
or alone by remembering cool  memories that it was  happened.

Two kids want to live but the life not open the door for them  
. they look like shut down with open eyes ,
which still waiting the sun raise one day.

Its a story ..which have end like any story 
start in a desert .
one shut down and one crazy 
the crazy kid motivate the shutdown to restart 
when restart happened ..crazy kid stopped from benign crazy
 because nothing now make him smile
there is empty space inside him paining too much.
Nothing enjoyment for him anymore.

the heart stop beating..
shut down .....dead

The end

notes: Stay away from people , 
how much you pretend strong
You are weak.. 
you are human

نتيجة بحث الصور عن بنت حزينة ع البحر

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